1. internship : a period of time during which a student works for a company or organization in order to get experience of a particular type of work . ex - The business students often do an internship during their long vacation in e-commerce companies . 2. well-connected : having friends or family members who are important or powerful people . ex - She was born in 1940 into a very well-connected family . There are quite a few problems with unpaid internships. Students who obviously work in the same position as their regular counterparts but do not have a paycheck, and students who need to earn living expenses will have no income. In addition, Obtaining internship opportunities is also a big problem. In today's society, there are still many people who enter the workplace through relationships. However, this situation is harmful to people without connecting. If there is a lower-level family, it is difficult to reverse the class even if they have the abi...